Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| Dec-2013 | La découverte de la province dans la littérature roumaine | Tudurachi, Adrian |
| Dec-2013 | Negotiating the borders of Hungarian national literature | Szabó, Levente T. |
| Dec-2013 | Dans le tremblement de la frontière Césaire | Suter, Patrick |
| Dec-2013 | Biographies sociopolitiques et littéraires des avant-gardistes roumains pendant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale | Stan, Ana-Maria |
| Dec-2013 | La ricezione del canone europeo nel contesto turco | Saraçgil, Ayșe |
| Dec-2013 | Aktionsgruppe Banat - l'enjeu canonique d'une littérature 'minoritaire' | Răduță, Magda |
| Dec-2013 | Northern Ireland and the canonization of conflict | Radu, Adrian |
| Dec-2013 | Literary art versus technological performance | Preda, Alina |
| Dec-2013 | Textual memories: history, tradition and novelty in Salman Rushdie's The Enchantress of Florence | Petrar, Petronia |
| Dec-2013 | E. Lovinescu's doctrinarian crystallization. Before and after the First World War | Patraș, Antonio |
| Dec-2013 | Literary canon à rebours | Păcurar, Elena |
| Dec-2013 | Competing concepts of the academic freedom within the discourses concerning the inauguration of the Hungarian Royal University of Kolozsvár/Cluj | Nagy Zabán, Márta |
| Dec-2013 | Canon omnibus | Moldovan, Rareș |
| Dec-2013 | Nationalism as a stylistics issue in interwar Romania | Mitchievici, Angelo |
| Dec-2013 | The ruin as milestone: negociating national identity in 19th and 21st century Romanian literature* | Mironescu, Doris |
| Dec-2013 | Drifting between worlds and breaking the mental frontiers. Vișniec's rewriting of Kafka | Miloi, Ionuț |
| Dec-2013 | The American multiculturalism and the Western Canon | Mihele, Roxana |
| Dec-2013 | Errorist joyce | Mihálycsa, Erika |
| Dec-2013 | An anti-canon of the self-excluded writers | Ilie, Rodica |
| Dec-2013 | Laughing matters: the cultural dynamics of political jokes in communist Romania | Glăvan, Gabriela |