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2022, nr.4 : [17] Collection home page View Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2022Stefano Bottoni : Moștenirea lui Stalin în România: Regiunea Autonomã Maghiarã 1952–1960Popa, Lucian
Oct-2022The Romanian Newspapers Published for Transylvanian Peasants in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century A Theoretical and Thematic ApproachNicolaescu, Alexandru
Oct-2022Trends in the Romanian Local-Regional Written PressNeamțu, Carmen
Oct-2022Ștefan Străjeri Istoria românilor canadieni 1890–2020 (The history of Canadian Romanians 1890–2020)Morariu, Iuliu-Marius
Oct-2022† Macarie Drãgoi 10 ani cu mitropolitul meu Bartolomeu Anania 1998–2008: Amintiri de la capãtul dorului (Ten years with my Metropolitan Bartolomeu Anania 1998–2008: Memories from the edge of longing) Foreword by Radu PredaMorariu, Iuliu-Marius
Oct-2022Antonio Guardavaglia La Dacia Ripense e la Dacia Mediterranea nella Descrittione delle Misie, Dacie e Illirico (1698) di Luigi Ferdinando MarsigliMichalache, Robert-Marius
Oct-2022Sir Gawain and the Grene Knyght / Sir Gawain şi Cavalerul cel Verde Translated with a foreword and notes by Mircea M. TomușMatei-Chesnoiu, Monica
Oct-2022Ion I. Lapedatu and Revista EconomicaMârza, Daniela
Oct-2022Marius Turda : “Războiul sfânt al rasei”: Eugenia și protecția națiunii în Ungaria 1900– 1919Mârza, Daniela
Oct-2022Chief County Physicians Medical Careers in Transylvania in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century and the Early Twentieth CenturyHegedűs, Nicoleta
Oct-2022Le Culte des héros de la Grande Guerre dans la Roumanie de l’entre-deux-guerres : Quelques représentations et appréciations faisant référence aux monuments commémoratifs érigés en TransylvanieGrancea, Mihaela; Soroștineanu, Valeria
Oct-2022David G. Roskies, ed. Voices from the Warsaw Ghetto: Writing Our History Foreword by Samuel D. KassowGligor, Mihaela
Oct-2022The Congress That Never Was The General Congress of the Press, Cluj, December 1923Ghitta, Maria
Oct-2022Varianti d’autore tra filologia e storia Il caso della Transilvania di Antonio Possevino S.J.Damian, Otilia Ștefania
Oct-2022Elements of Language Contact between German and Yiddish in the Jewish Press of Interwar BukovinaCostiuc Radosav, Augusta
Oct-2022Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković, Mihai Dragnea, Thede Kahl, Blagovest Njagulov, Donald L. Dyer, and Angelo Costa nzo, eds. The Romance-Speaking Balkans: Language and Politics of IdentityCosma, Ela
Oct-2022Cornel Sigmirean and Aurel Pavel: Elită şi națiune: Fundația “Gojdu” (1871–2008)Abrudan, Mircea-Gheorghe
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17