Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| Jan-2021 | Iusztin Zoltan: Politică și administrație în Banatul medieval (sec. XIV–XV) (Politics and administration in medieval Banat, 14th–15th centuries) | Mihalache, Robert-Marius |
| Jan-2021 | Francesco Guida: România în secolul XX (Romania in the 20th century) | Gligor, Mihaela |
| Jan-2021 | Historische Waldnutzung und Hochwasserentstehung | Maier, Andreas; Scharr, Kurt; Geitner, Clemens; Kohl, Bernhard; Markart, Gerhard |
| Jan-2021 | A breathturn in Paul Celan’s scholarship | State, George |
| Jan-2021 | Terror des terroir | Prochasko, Jurko |
| Jan-2021 | The traditional wooden gates of Maramureș (Romania) as a part of the place legitimization processes | Ilieș, Marin; Ilieș, Gabriela |
| Jan-2021 | How the ASTRA association contributed to the emancipation of Transylvanian Romanians using cultural propaganda through theater | Maier, Sorana; Tomuș, Ion M. |
| Jan-2021 | Quantitative perspective on violent deaths in Transylvania between the mid–19th century and the end of the First World War | Holom, Elena Crinela; Hegedus, Nicoleta; Bolovan, Ioan |
| Jan-2021 | The German Federal States, the Federation and European integration | Gruner, Wolf D. |
| Jan-2021 | Friedrich Gottas (1940-2020) | Gräf, Rudolf |
| Jan-2021 | „Die Zeit sorgt dafür, daß sie vergehe“ | Dama, Hans |
| Jan-2021 | Mihail Manoilescu | Atalay, Lemi |
| Jan-2021 | Keith Hitchins (1931–2020) | Abrudan, Mircea-Gheorghe |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13