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2018, nr. 1 : [16] Collection home page View Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2018Political Activism in the Romanian Countryside of the 1930s The Peasants from Hunedoara County and the Ploughmen’s FronRadu, Sorin
Jan-2018Ottmar Traşcă and Stelian Obiziuc, eds. Diplomaţi români în slujba vieţii: Constantin I. Karadja şi salvarea evreilor români din Europa în timpul celui de-al Treilea Reich (1932-1944)/ Romanian diplomats in the service of humanity: Constantin I. Karadja and the salvation of Romanian Jews in Europe during the Third Reich (1932–1944) Foreword by Radu Ioanid, afterword by Dennis DeletantGligor, Mihaela
Jan-2018Robert D. Kaplan : În umbra Europei : Două războaie reci şi trei decenii de cãlãtorie prin România şi dincolo de ea; Traduction de l’anglais par Constantin Ardeleanu et Oana Celia GheorghiuPetreu, Marta
Jan-2018Ion Cârja, Dan Lucian Vaida, Loránd L. Mádly, Dan Prahase, dir. : Un ardelean în Marele RăzboiMihalache, Robert-Marius
Jan-2018Comparison of Changes in Urbanized Areas in Poland and RomaniaKowalczyk, Cezary; Kil, Jack; Moldovan, Ciprian S.
Jan-2018Towards a Balanced Metropolitan Governance Combating the “Back-door” Status of Peripheral Rural AreasNagy, Júlia A.; Benedek, József
Jan-2018Yvonne Rydin : Governing for Sustainable Urban DevelopmentNagy, Júlia A.
Jan-2018Păun Ion Otiman, dir.: Almăjul – de ieri, de azi şi de mâine sau mult dorita vale a miracolelorBolovan, Ioan
Jan-2018Politics and Population in Romania (1948–2015)Bolovan, Ioan
Jan-2018Urban and Regional Competitiveness in the North-West Region of RomaniaCiot, Melania-Gabriela
Jan-2018Drivers of Change in Post-communist Agriculture in the Apuseni MountainsDrăgan, Magdalena; Cocean, Gabriela
Jan-2018Constantin Măruţoiu, Daniela Popescu, Ioan Bratu, Radu Moraru et Luminiţa Dana Postolache: Biserici de lemn din Transilvania : Cluj şi SălajNicoară, Ciprian-Valentin
Jan-2018Pipelines for Energy, Interests for Companies and Great PowersLakatos, Artur L.; Nagy, Egon
Jan-2018Vasile Sebastian Dâncu : Politically incorrect: Scenarii pentru o Românie posibilăLakatos, Artur L.
Jan-2018Territorial Data Aggregation and Trends of Regional Economic Convergence in Europe A Geo-statistical Analysis for the 2003–2014 PeriodRusu, Alexandru; Groza, Octavian
Jan-2018Paolo Prodi : Homo europaeusCastaldini, Alberto
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16