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Browsing by Subject Arbitrajul de la Viena (1940)

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Bolovan+Ioan-Considerations+on+the+Romanian-Hungarian-2000.pdf.jpg2000Considerations on the Romanian-Hungarian negotiations held in the summer of 1940Bolovan, Ioan
BCUCLUJ_FG_S3069_1941_0001_p_2.jpg.jpg1941Golgota TranssylvániábanFerenczy, György
BCUCLUJ_FG_BAL6266_1943.pdf.jpg1943La Transylvanie avant et après l’arbitrage de VienneDragomir, Silviu
1943La Transylvanie avant et après l’arbitrage de VienneDragomir, Silviu