Browsing by Subject Antisemitism
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| Dec-2011 | Aesthetic seduction and mundane repulsion | Gherasim, Gabriel |
| Apr-2009 | A case of mystified perception: Mihail Sebastian | Petreu, Marta |
| Oct-2022 | The Congress That Never Was The General Congress of the Press, Cluj, December 1923 | Ghitta, Maria |
| Oct-2021 | Cultural and political interactions in Interwar Romania | Gligor, Mihaela |
| Oct-2019 | Ion I. Moța: An atypical leader of the Petru Maior Student Center in Cluj | Ghitta, Maria |
| Apr-2009 | Les Juifs de Transylvanie à l’époque du dualisme (1867-1918) | Gyémánt, Ladislau |
| Dec-2011 | Parliamentary reactions to the antisemitic manifestation of the Romanian students between 1922 and 1923 | Ursuțiu, Claudia |
| Jul-2015 | A priest in the “Romanian Action” | Ghitta, Maria |
| Apr-2009 | Spite: the Romanian extreme right | Cesereanu, Ruxandra |
| 1937 | Unde duce antisemitismul : cuvântare ţinută în sala Tomis în ziua de 18 aprilie 1937 | Filderman, Wilhelm |